Tuesday, June 2, 2009

5 Reasons Why This Blog Is Pointless

#1: There are no readers. Why keep posting if no one is going to care if I don't? Not even my friends find this blog to be remotely interesting, despite all my facebook status efforts.

#2: I have no time. School is increasingly demanding and with it goes away my free time.

#3: Even if I did try to write at the end of the day, my brain is completely drained by then.

#4: Have I mentioned that I have no readers?

#5: There is also the whole readers situation...

NOW! Here is the reason why I am determined to keep this blog:

I like writing and I think blogging has inspired me to finish some of my stories. Apart from that? I'm writing for myself. Yes, comments now and then would be appreciated but I am glad to have fun on my own. Who knows? Maybe someone will stumble upon this page and fall in love with flirates... wishful thinking, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww I read it David!! You think you have a boring life? Psh, you should see mine! lol Keep writing!! Can't wait to read more!
