Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Writing in a Bookstore...

Just thought I should update my blog again with a few interesting bits of news...

First of all, I feel the need to say that it has been hard to write recently. My sister is getting married in 3 days and just two days after that, I'll be on my way to England! So things have definitely been busy and emotional and stressful. All the fun stuff, really...But I am confident that I will have time to write in Europe.

On Pangaea, I am currently working on 2 chapters:

Chapter 2: The Governor is halfway done. Still have to work on Deodatus' character introduction.
Chapter 3: The Virus (formerly D.A.C Positive, that should give you ideas)... I only just started this chapter yesterday, in my favorite bookstore. It was a wonderful experience. I was sitting on a table upstairs, enjoying two cups of coffee. Unfortunately, however, there wasn't that much progress. A friend of my dad's showed up and talked to me for a while. I shared about my book, but my pen was resting on the table most of the time. Will get back to it as soon as I can.

If I can carry myself into a coffee shop, I promise Pangaea will get all the attention it needs. For now, please allow me to excuse myself for a week. There are many (exciting) happenings to attend to.

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