Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Life Post...#4 - Wackiness is Natural

If there is one thing that I have discovered as a student at Word of Life - Hungary, it is that I do not have to write Pangaea...that is not cool, I know. But it is where God has lead me and I have to accept that right now. BUT it is the Christmas break and that is why you are getting a post from me. So be glad! And I'm sorry for being absent this long.

At Word of Life, God has allowed me to grow in subtle ways. In some ways, I still do not understand why He brought me here. I had started looking into the possibility of studying at Crossroads Bible College in Indianapolis, three years ago. And for about an entire year, I was sure that that was where I was going. But God closed that door, leaving me quite shocked. I believe all of this has been about trusting God no matter what. Word of Life has very strict rules and things that I do not fully agree with...But I know that I can be used by the Lord there. So I endure it all and focus on the goal: Serving Jesus Christ. Please pray for me. I really miss my friends there, but it is a hard decision to actually get on the plane and go back to Hungary.

Today I did sit down to write Pangaea and something in the first chapter called my attention...I just thought it was a bit too serious at a certain point. And I know that the main idea that holds Pangaea together is a very serious concept, but it didn't sound like me! I'm the guy who wrote flirate stories, Fleedle Tales and Kate's Task, hardly a laugh-free book... Not to make you think that I am now planning on turning Pangaea into a children's book. Not at all! But as the movie played in my head today and my fingers typed what I saw, something natural to me came about...Wackiness. One of the characters went from being whiny to fairly unintentionally humorous. And ultimately, I believe that that is what makes a good book: Balance. You can have a good story but if it is heartless or humorless it will most likely never be great.

That's it for now. I hope to update you more frequently.


  1. I did like the idea and hoped I could read more chapters here :)
    Please think about it

  2. I don't know how much I should actually post online...but I will probably post the rest of Chapter 1 once I sort out through a few issues... I am writing 3 chapters of Pangaea at the same time!

    Glad you liked it! :-)
