I realized it had been a while since I last posted...so here's for trying to make up for it!
It is 11pm. Coldplay is singing "moooooooooore" in my ear and trying to rock me to sleep. It is however, completely pointless, since I have now consumed over a liter of Coca-Cola. So there is an intense battle of giants going on right now. Who will win!? I am so darn excited to find out!
But heck, caffeine-drunk David is a priceless view you'll never forget. I don't think I've ever tried writing after being this way......but it sure feels fun! My fingers keep slipping off the keyboard and creating unnecessary typos and I just want to burst out into song............YO HO! YO HO! A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME!
Ahhh yes. "But I have noooo doubt", Chris Martin now sings and I agree with him! I have no doubt whatsoever that you have just wasted the most important minute of your bloody life reading this ridiculous post. I mean, here's a secret..............I like elephants! Ooh and did you know they found a pink elephant in Africa? It was an albino elephant! No, seriously. Look it up. I'm not joking. Which reminds me, aww crap. I still have no idea of how the flirate and the elephant will find the darn wardrobe. Will they be on a ship? But then where will the wardrobe be? What colors will be the clothes in the wardrobe? Ooooh myyy gooooossshhhh I'm soooo confused!!!!! My life has been ruined! Ooh look my Coke has finished. I want to lick my cup...
The caffeine is winning so far.
I told you!
It is 11pm. Coldplay is singing "moooooooooore" in my ear and trying to rock me to sleep. It is however, completely pointless, since I have now consumed over a liter of Coca-Cola. So there is an intense battle of giants going on right now. Who will win!? I am so darn excited to find out!
But heck, caffeine-drunk David is a priceless view you'll never forget. I don't think I've ever tried writing after being this way......but it sure feels fun! My fingers keep slipping off the keyboard and creating unnecessary typos and I just want to burst out into song............YO HO! YO HO! A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME!
Ahhh yes. "But I have noooo doubt", Chris Martin now sings and I agree with him! I have no doubt whatsoever that you have just wasted the most important minute of your bloody life reading this ridiculous post. I mean, here's a secret..............I like elephants! Ooh and did you know they found a pink elephant in Africa? It was an albino elephant! No, seriously. Look it up. I'm not joking. Which reminds me, aww crap. I still have no idea of how the flirate and the elephant will find the darn wardrobe. Will they be on a ship? But then where will the wardrobe be? What colors will be the clothes in the wardrobe? Ooooh myyy gooooossshhhh I'm soooo confused!!!!! My life has been ruined! Ooh look my Coke has finished. I want to lick my cup...
The caffeine is winning so far.
I told you!
Ok here's an idea for you. The flirate gets shipwrecked in Africa and while stumbling along the coast, meets a tribe of natives. In there village they have a wardrobe that English traders gave them years and years ago. The elephant is owned by the man who owns the wardrobe. The wardrobe itself is not full of clothes but of provisions for the tribe so its very hard to enter. The flirate is snooping about the hut one day when he discovers the wardrobe, opens it, falls into a magical land and the elephant mistakenly falls in behind him. You come up with the rest. :)